A tournament day
By Amelie Kokorsky
The time has come: The first tournament of the year is coming up. The optimal preparation begins a few weeks before the tournament, because the horse should be in top shape when it goes to a tournament. So this article is all about the topic "horse tournament".
Training is in full swing, the examination tasks are practiced and talked through several times. The dressage rider knows the lessons to be completed almost by heart. For a jumping test, all possible combinations, distances and routes to the jump are rehearsed again. But there is much more to training than just learning the tasks and jumping sequences, because the focus should always be on the horse's physical and mental condition.
Preparation for the start of a competition
The horse needs muscular strength and mental power to be able to show its best performance on a tournament day. In order to be able to optimally support a horse's musculature, Stiefel Amino Plus can already be fed in the preparation phase for the tournament. The muscle development and thus significantly the performance of the horse, can be supported with the contained important amino acids. All three essential amino acids are contained in this product and can prepare the horse, better the muscles of the horse, for the athletic effort of the tournament. The muscles are the engine for any movement: Without muscles - no movement. The more powerful a horse is to jump or the more expressive a horse is to present its gait, the more the course of the muscles plays a role. Please note the waiting period of 48 hours.
In order to prepare the horse mentally for a show, it makes sense to show the horse different arenas and halls. Maybe there is another stable nearby or you visit your friend with the trailer and your horse. Horses should learn that a different environment means nothing bad for them. Training in a new environment must be practiced so that the horse is not stressed every time it goes on a trailer ride or to a new riding arena. Horses that are particularly susceptible to stress can be helped with Stiefel Mag Plus Liquid. The power mixture can help to minimize stress. Nervous and easily irritated horses can react more calmly to unfamiliar environments and situations with the administration of the liquid. If the horse is stressed, large amounts of magnesium are needed because magnesium, as an antagonist of calcium, can restore increased heart activity to normal. Likewise, when stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline are released, magnesium is secreted in increased amounts. If the stress level in the horse increases, the consumption and thus the demand for magnesium in the horse's body also increases. A deficiency of magnesium can further exacerbate the effects of stress.
The added vitamin B12 can have a strengthening effect on the nerves and promote concentration. The contained L-tryptophan is an essential amino acid whose effect is based on the fact that it is converted into serotonin in the metabolism. It is one of the few amino acids that can cross the blood-brain barrier. Its effect is described as mood-lifting and calming. An undersupply can lead to overstimulation, imbalance and a lack of willingness to perform in stressful situations.
When training different new situations, Stiefel Mag Plus Liquid can lower the horse's stress and facilitate show preparation. Please note the waiting period of 48 hours.
Stiefel Nerves Herbs can also have a calming effect on the horse. The 100 % natural herbal mixture can help the horse "keep his nerves" in a species-appropriate way. Too much stress should always be prevented in horses as best as possible. Peppermint, lavender and chamomile can have a calming effect on the horse and reduce stress in a natural way. The herbs can also be fed to nervous or stress-prone horses for an extended period of time during preparation for a tournament without any problems. Please note the waiting period of 48 hours.
Since the intensity of training usually increases during the preparation phase for a tournament, the feed should also be adapted to the increasing load. Stiefel Rice Germ Oil on the one hand can support muscle build-up through the contained gamma-oryzanol, on the other hand it can contribute to the maintenance or also to the increase of the performance during strenuous training sessions. The preparation and also the tournament day itself are strenuous for a horse's body. The strain should not be underestimated. In order to take full advantage of the positive effect of Stiefel Rice Germ Oil, the oil should be fed for 4-6 weeks, i.e. during the period of preparation for the tournament.
The day of the tournament has come
The preparations went well and the day of the tournament has come. It is not uncommon for a tournament day to start early in the morning, because before you step onto the show field, there are a few other tasks for horse and rider to do.
Of course, appearance always plays a big role. Not only do you want to present a sporting performance, but you also want to present the horse and its appearance in the best possible way. To make sure everything is clean, the horse is groomed and the mane is braided. The tail also requires proper care. To wash the mane, tail or even coat, Stiefel Top Wash is recommended.
You can simply wet the desired areas with water and massage in the shampoo. Then rinse thoroughly and with plenty of water. For a larger area, it is best to pour the shampoo into a bucket of water and then massage it in with a soft brush or sponge. Stiefel Top Wash is adapted to the pH-value of the horse and therefore also well tolerated by sensitive horses and/ or eczema horses.
The horse now shines like gold. Just quickly put all things in the car, the hay net in the trailer and then you can be on your way. If the horse still doesn't want to go on the trailer, the Stiefel Apple Treats may help to take away the shyness of the scary trailer. And even if the horse loves to go on the trailer, it will be happy about a little treat, because a trailer ride is anything but natural for a horse. In your excitement, don't forget to praise the horse for its work!
When you arrive at the tournament, after a few organizational things, you continue with the care of the horse. The hooves still need to be cleaned so they can shine and the tail still needs some shine and volume. Here, too, the Stiefel range offers a good selection. You can clean the hooves with a little water and then let them dry first. In the time you can take care of the tail. An absolute "must have" in every tournament bag is Stiefel Top Shine Aloe Vera. The mane and tail spray can not only have a positive effect on the combability of the long tail hair, it also gives the tail wonderful shine and brings great volume to the hair. The light protective film on the hair can prevent dust from settling on the coat, mane and tail again and protects against renewed knot formation. As just mentioned, you can also use Stiefel Top Shine for the entire body of the horse as well. Simply spray on the horse carefully. Due to the contained aloe vera, the coat is maintained and shines in new gloss.
Now the hooves are also dry and still need some shine. For a natural care of the hooves, Stiefel Herbal Hoof Oil is suitable. Due to its oily consistency, it can be applied very well and precisely to the hoof. The nourishing vegetable oils protect the hooves in a natural way and make them look well-groomed and clean. The horse shows its best side visually. Now it is time to test the physical performance. The tournament begins.
After the test, of course, you should first praise the horse! When it arrives at the trailer, it will be happy to receive a few treats. So that the legs can regenerate quickly after the test, you can apply Stiefel Horse Cream. Take some Stiefel Horse Cream out of the tub and massage the legs with slow movements. Stiefel Horse Cream is a massage cream with arnica, menthol, rosemary and eucalyptus, which can have a beneficial effect on stressed tendons and joints after strenuous competition. The natural ingredients cool, invigorate and refresh and are also suitable for use on shoulder and back area. Rosemary and arnica are also said to have a soothing effect on pain. After the massage, you can still apply a thicker layer of the cream to the legs and stressed areas of the body, such as shoulders and back, and let it soak in. The horse's body can regenerate and prepare for the next test. Used externally, arnica is not relevant to doping.
Mostly the horse stays on the trailer during the break between the examinations. To make the break as pleasant and stress-free as possible, first and foremost there should always be a hay net on the trailer. The natural feeding behavior alleviates stress and above all satisfies hunger. Before loading, please do not forget to give the horse enough water!
It is not uncommon for horses to be disturbed by annoying flies and mosquitoes on summer days. So that the horse can rest undisturbed on the trailer, it makes sense to drive away the annoying insects. Stiefel RP1 Insekten-Stop Ultra is a highly effective insect repellent with active tick and insect protection according to biocide regulations with an increased concentration of active ingredients for long-lasting protection. The active ingredient Saltidin® (Icaridin) is almost odorless for us humans and does not bother horse and human with an unpleasant odor. Insects, on the other hand, perceive odors sensory and are deterred by the repellent. The spray can also be used before the test and when warming up to keep mosquitoes and ticks away. If you only want to protect small sensitive areas on the horse, such as the head and ears, or you own a horse that is very sensitive to sprays, the Stiefel RP1 Insect Stop Gel would be a good solution. The gel has the same effect as the spray and can be applied specifically with the fingers or the contained sponge. Since the gel does not contain alcohol, it is perfect for skin sensitive horses and even eczema horses.
Once the horse is finished being cared for after the test, it will be happy to have some rest and a hay net on the trailerr. For nervous horses, chewing can have a calming effect and relieve stress.
After the short break on the trailer, the preparation for the next test starts. If needed, Stiefel Top Shine and Stiefel Herbal Hoof Oil can be used again.
The right care after the tournament
At the end of an exhausting day at the tournament, you should always take care of your horse's well-being, both physically and mentally. The joints are stressed during any kind of movement, whether it is show jumping or a dressage competition, so at the end of the tournament day you can take care of the legs with Stiefel Suspension. Stiefel Suspension is a wrapping paste with kaolin, menthol and wintergreen oil for stressed horse legs. Kaolin is a compound of aluminum silicate and water and is one of the white healing clays. Stiefel Suspension can be used to cool stressed joints and tendons. In addition, Stiefel Suspension can also be used as a warm application for muscle tension. The legs can easily be creamed with the paste. If you want to treat other parts of the body to relieve tension, it makes sense to heat the paste a little in warm water beforehand and then apply it to the affected areas. Once the paste is dry, it can be washed off with warm water. The application with the paste represents a small wellness unit after a strenuous tournament day for your horse.
If you feel that your horse was stressed and nervous during the show day, you can now feed the Stiefel Nerves Herbs again to help with calming down. The herbs can help the horse to recover quickly and have a restful night. No horse should be put in a stall stressed or nervous after a tournament day. A positive ending is especially important, after all, you certainly want to compete in more tournaments and have a motivated and happy partner by your side. So don't forget the little treat when you say goodbye and thank your horse for its performance. No tournament day is natural for the horse, which at the bottom of its heart is still a flight animal and will remain so. We should always be aware of this.
My recipe for a good and healthy supply during a tournament day:
- Hay or alfalfa cobs
- Stiefel Stomach Herbs
- Stiefel Flee Seed Husks
- Stiefel Linseed Oil
- Stiefel Rose Hips
I mix all the products according to the dosage directions on the packages and boil it all up with warm water to make a watery feed mixture.
I divide it into 2-3 portions and feed each portion throughout the day before and between tests. Stiefel Stomach Herbs can help protect the stress-prone stomach. Stiefel Flee Seed Husks can also have a positive effect on the horses' digestion. Stiefel Linseed Oil can promote performance readiness on an intense tournament day and Stiefel Rose Hips are usually just a nice treat for your horse, so that even the biggest feed refusers eat a little bit in stressful situations.
Now nothing stands in the way of good preparation and a successful day at the tournament. And don't forget: Be grateful for what your horse does (for you)!
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